How Do Your Start-ups Measure Up?

The recent Nature Biotech article "Biotech Living & Walking Dead" has prompted a lively discussion within the AUTM community. There is no question that start-ups arising from the innovations discovered on our campuses are an important resource for the commercial translation of our nascent technologies, an outlet for the entrepreneurial aspirations of our faculty and students, and a vital source of economic development for our host communities and nations. However, the article has provoked a useful dialogue around what we measure and what impact we are hoping to achieve. This moderated discussion will center around two of Peter Drucker's most famous maxims: "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." and "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." This virtual event will begin with a panel discussion, and will also include an open Q&A forum as well as virtual breakout rooms for smaller group discussions.