Webinar Audio Recordings Package - 2018

This package includes audio-only recordings from all webinars held in the year 2018. You can listen online or download the recordings and take them to go. Recordings include:

Patenting 101
Communicating the Value of What We Do
Artificial Intelligence and How it Will Impact the TTO
Anatomy of a License
IP Basics for Software Innovations
Triage 101: Assessing Early Stage Innovations
The New Bayh-Dole Rules
Prioritizing Your IP Portfolio
Founders and Initial Equity Distribution for Startups
State Sovereign Immunity and IPRs: What State Universities Need to Know
A Career in Technology Transfer
ABCs of NSF I-Corps
The Economics of Innovation - Why So Few Ideas Become Realized
Structuring Equity License Transactions for Success
Hiring a Licensing Associate: Selecting the Best Candidate
Promoting Partnerships Through Technology Showcases
US Export Controls on Technology: What You Need to Know
TTO Operating in the Red? Now What?
Critical Considerations for Bayh-Dole Compliance